First Meeting, 1966

Occasional Contacts 1967-1972->

Barbara Ann Smith and Weldon Lavon Whipple first met as teenagers at Weldon’s house during the summer of 1966.  Barbara’s mother arranged for Barbara and her brother David to take piano and organ lessons from Weldon’s oldest brother Walter.

There was no formal introduction. As with all his other students, if one of them happened to see me, Walter noted that I was his little brother (without mentioning his name.)

During Weldon’s senior year of high school, he attended the newly established Skyline High School in Idaho Falls. Since the building was not yet complete, Skyline and Idaho Falls High School shared the IFHS building—IFHS in the morning, Skyline in the afternoon.

Due to the crowded conditions, lockers were at a premium. When Barbara (a junior at Skyline) attempted to sign up for a locker, the lockers for juniors were all taken, so she was offered one of the few senior lockers remaining. She noticed an available locker next to Weldon Whipple. Realizing that me must be Walter’s brother, she chose that locker.

On the first day of school, Weldon was surprised to find Barbara’s locker was right next to his. The Boys’ and Girls’ Federation announced a high school dance “La Premiere,” to be held  November 5, 1966. Weldon asked Barbara to that dance. It was their first date together.

Barbara and Weldon on their first date, fittingly named “La Premiere,” November 6, 1966, at the Idaho Falls High School gymnasium

Occasional Contacts 1967-1972->